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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
03/26/25 Numbers - - You're God's People Now #04 James Vaughn Bible Class N/A Wednesday Bible Study Numbers_-_-_Youre_Gods_People_Now__04__James_Vaughn__03-26-2025.mp3
03/23/25 Something Virtually All People Can Agree On James Vaughn Sermon N/A Sunday PM Worship Vaughn_James__03-23-2025__PM__Something_Virtually_All_People_Can_Agree_On.mp3
03/23/25 The Fruit of the Spirit #04 Nathan Arnold Bible Class N/A Sunday Bible Study The_Fruit_of_the_Spirit_04__Nathan_Arnold__03-23-2025__Class.mp3
03/23/25 Giving Together Worshiping through Generosity Brad Burkhart Sermon N/A Sunday AM Worship Burkhart_Brad__03-23-2025__AM__Giving_Together_Worshiping_through_Generosity.mp3
03/19/25 Numbers - - You're God's People Now #03 James Vaughn Bible Class N/A Wednesday Bible Study Numbers_-_-_Youre_Gods_People_Now__03__James_Vaughn__03-19-2025.mp3
03/16/25 Praying about Evangelism Jacob Dineen Sermon N/A Sunday PM Worship Dineen_Jacob__03-16-2025__PM__Praying_about_Evangelism.mp3
03/16/25 The Fruit of the Spirit #03 Nathan Arnold Bible Class N/A Sunday Bible Study The_Fruit_of_the_Spirit_03__Nathan_Arnold__03-16-2025__Class.mp3
03/16/25 The Gospel of the Kingdom Jacob Dineen Sermon N/A Sunday AM Worship Dineen_Jacob__03-16-2025__AM__The_Gospel_of_the_Kingdom.mp3
03/12/25 Numbers - - You're God's People Now #02 James Vaughn Bible Class N/A Wednesday Bible Study Numbers_-_-_Youre_Gods_People_Now__02__James_Vaughn__03-12-2025.mp3
03/09/25 The Covenant Of Salt James Vaughn Sermon N/A Sunday PM Worship Vaughn_James__03-09-2025__PM__The_Covenant_Of_Salt.mp3
03/09/25 The Fruit of the Spirit #02 Jordan Arnold Bible Class N/A Sunday Bible Study The_Fruit_of_the_Spirit_02__Jordan_Arnold__03-09-2025__Class.mp3
03/09/25 They Were Like Sheep Without A Shepherd Jacob Dineen Sermon N/A Sunday AM Worship Dineen_Jacob__03-09-2025__AM__They_Were_Like_Sheep_Without_A_Shepherd.mp3
03/05/25 Numbers - - You're God's People Now #01 James Vaughn Bible Class N/A Wednesday Bible Study Numbers_-_-_Youre_Gods_People_Now__01__James_Vaughn.mp3
03/02/25 Why the Two Talent Man James Vaughn Sermon N/A Sunday PM Worship Vaughn_James__03-02-2025__PM__Why_the_Two_Talent_Man.mp3
03/02/25 The Fruit of the Spirit #01 Jordan Arnold Bible Class N/A Sunday Bible Study The_Fruit_of_the_Spirit_01__Jordan_Arnold__03-02-2025__Class.mp3
03/02/25 Judas Healed My Leprosy Brad Burkhart Sermon N/A Sunday AM Worship Burkhart_Brad__03-02-2025__AM__Judas_Healed_My_Leprosy.mp3
02/23/25 Jonah vs Isaiah Brad Burkhart Sermon N/A Sunday PM Worship Burkhart_Brad__02-23-2025__PM__Jonah_vs_Isaiah.mp3
02/23/25 1 and 2 Timothy #2 Jordan Arnold Bible Class N/A Sunday Bible Study Arnold_Jordan__1_and_2_Timothy__Class__02-23-2025.mp3
02/23/25 The Harvest Is Plentiful But The Workers Are Few Jacob Dineen Sermon N/A Sunday AM Worship Dineen_Jacob__02-23-2025__AM__The_Harvest_Is_Plentiful_But_The_Workers_Are_Few.mp3
02/16/25 Joy of Finding Lost Things James Vaughn Sermon N/A Sunday PM Worship Vaughn_James__02-16-2025__PM__Joy_of_Finding_Lost_Things.mp3
02/16/25 One Verse Evangelism: Romans 6:23 Jacob Dineen Sermon N/A Sunday AM Worship Dineen_Jacob__02-16-2025__AM__One_Verse_Evangelism_Romans_6-23.mp3
02/12/25 Nehemiah 10 Blake Counsell Sermon N/A Wednesday Bible Study Nehemiah_10_Blake_Counsel__02-12-2025.mp3
02/09/25 Wise as Serpents and Innocents as Doves Brad Burkhart Sermon N/A Sunday PM Worship Burkhart_Brad__02-09-2025__PM__Wise_as_Serpents_and_Innocents_as_Doves.mp3
02/09/25 1 and 2 Timothy Jordan Arnold Bible Class N/A Sunday Bible Study Arnold_Jordan__1_and_2_Timothy__Class__02-09-2025.mp3
02/09/25 What's the Least I Can Do to be Saved James Vaughn Sermon N/A Sunday AM Worship Vaughn_James__02-09-2025__AM__Whats_the_Least_I_Can_Do_to_be_Saved.mp3

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